Research is essential. Get to insights quickly.

We synthetise users with the highest degree of Synthetic Organic Parity for B2B and B2C.

Impact your bottom line by getting to insight faster with a partner you can trust.

β€œWhat you are building will radically democratize access to qualitative research within companies.”
Johan Van Langendonck
Director of Strategy

The only global company providing synthetic qual and quant.

We synthetize users globally. Hand select and fine tune the Synthetic Users that best represent your organic users.

Speed and support

Get insights in seconds as opposed to days whilst leveraging our team as a true partner in your research needs.

Flexible and fair pricing

Faster insights should not come with more costs. Our pricing options are designed to evolve with you as your team evolves.

RAG (Enrichment with your data)
Industry cost
Synthetic Users Cost
$2 to 27
$5 extra per SU
Time needed to run Synthetic Users
1 minute
2 minutes
2 minutes

Tell us your research goals

Find out if Synthetic Users are the right fit, speak to a member of our company.